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Before and Afters

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Two weeks following the third session of PRF injections. The patient had received multiple PRP injections in the past with minimal results but was thrilled with after three sessions of PRF therapy.

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Before and after two PRF sessions spaced one week apart. Although hair loss can result from various causes, many common forms are proving responsive to PRF therapy.

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One week after the third session of PRF injections. The patient had three sessions of PRF therapy spaced two weeks apart.

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One week following the second session of PRF injections. The patient had two sessions of PRF therapy spaced two weeks apart.

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One month following a single session of PRF. Typically, most patients benefit from multiple sessions spaced a few weeks apart; however, certain individuals can achieve their desired results within a single session.

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This patient received four sessions of PRF therapy spaced one week apart. The after picture was taken one week following the fourth session.

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