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PRF Hair Restoration

PRF for Hair

The fibrin matrix and higher concentration of important biological factors in PRF can produce results significantly superior to PRP injections in hair restoration. This fibrin matrix acts to trap important biological factors in a mesh of fibrin (a fibrous protein), releasing them slowly to the surrounding tissue over the span of several days. In this way, the hair follicles are nourished with important biological factors gradually, similar to watering/ feeding a plant diligently over days. 

Hair loss is a universal problem that affects most people at some point during their lives. The reasons for hair loss vary individually, as do the extent and duration. Many components influence the ultimate appearance of hair, mainly quality and density of hair. Both these are in turn influenced by elements including skin heath, vascularity, hormonal changes, etc. As such, hair restoration plans should be individualized, multifaceted and strategically structured to be maximally efficient. Despite the variables, many forms that are proving responsive to PRF therapy.

PRF hair restoration is rapidly being recognized in regenerative medicine for having the potential to reverse hair loss. In PRF hair restoration, activated platelets and growth factors are injected directly into the surface layer of the scalp. This is where hair follicles are found. Although various, the causes of hair thinning are often literally found at the root, or at the level of the hair follicle. As such, it is easy to perceive that the injection of important biological factors, including growth factors, locally into the scalp can stimulate and activate hair follicles into stages of growth.

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