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What is PRF

The process of spinning activates blood cells called platelets, which produce various biological factors (including growth factors) when activated. These biological factors play an important role in the body's regenerative processes, including wound healing. Spinning also separates the PRF layer from the rest of the blood (mainly red blood cells). High concentrations of white blood cells, which also play an important role, are separated with the activated platelets and associated biological factors into the PRF layer.

PRF Treatment - What is it?

PRF is a component of one’s own blood. PRF treatment takes advantage of the regenerative potential of PRF or platelet-rich fibrin.  To obtain PRF, a small amount of blood is drawn. This is similar to when you give blood for lab studies that doctors order. The blood is then spun in a device called a centrifuge which activates platelets and isolates the PRF layer. Unlike in PRP (platelet-rich plasma), there are absolutely no chemicals or additives used in our method of obtaining PRF. 

PRF injections can deliver vital biological factors to areas of the body where they are often scarce. These are typically areas that relatively lack good blood supply (such as joints, and surface layers of skin and scalp). In this way, PRF treatment can stimulate and nourish connective tissue (including skin, hair follicles, cartilage, tendons, bone, etc), acting like fertilizer and bringing essential factors that such tissues can use to regenerate. 

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